

We assume that users have access to recent versions of MATLAB. Exp[licit]-MATLAB was tested for versions after R2022a. For users having issues running the software with older versions of MATLAB, please create a Github issue.

To clone our Exp[licit]-MATLAB repository, run:


Once the download is complete, run MATLAB and set the current folder to be the Exp[licit]-MATLAB folder. Run the setup.m script to include all subfolders. You can also run the following command in the command window:


If the following line appeares in your command window, you are all set!

'EXPlicit (c) Moses C. Nah & Johannes Lachner 2022-2023,'


The current version is in active development and might be unstable. A formal announcement will be made once the first stable version of Exp[licit]-cpp is complete. For vector and matrix calculations, we use Eigen version 3.4.0, which is added as a git submodule.

To clone our Exp[licit]-C++ repository, run:


All .cpp-files can be found in the main directory. To compile them, simply run


in your terminal.


As for Exp[licit]-cpp, the current version is in active development and might be unstable. A formal announcement will be made once the first stable version is complete.

This software contains a submodule of the Exp[licit]-C++ repository. Exp[licit]-cpp in turn contains a submodule of Eigen version 3.4.0. To update the submodules, type:

git submodule update --init --recursive

You always need to check for Explicit-cpp updates. For that, type:

git submodule update --remote

To run Exp[licit]-FRI, a .so-file of Exp[licit]-cpp has to be compiled. This can be done by running

make -f Makefile-lib

in the head folder. Note that the intial source files are created for a “Media Flange Touch.” If needed, please adapt the Flange Position in Exp[licit]-cpp.

The Libraries folder contains a C++ version of myFRIClient. This library is provided by KUKA and establishes a state-machine for communication between the Client-PC and the Sunrise controller. The software uploaded here was extracted from a Sunrise 1.17-version. If the provided lib-file under ‘myFRIClient/lib’ doesn’t work, please refer to the README-file inside for re-compilation.

To get started with FRI (C++), we provide a “basic application.” While any IDE can be used, you can run the application by opening the CMAKE-file under ‘basic_app/src’ with Qt-Creator.

Explicit-py (TBA)